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4 DIY Hair Spa Treatments at Home

So a dinner date with your bae is in the offing… Dress, check; pumps, check; hair, ummm! Well ladies if hair woes got you in a tight spot help is at hand! Get free flowing, smooth to the touch, awesome hair, within the confines of your home by using all natural ingredients.

Intrigued? Read on to grab some super cool hair spa treatments with stuff that you can easily find in your refrigerator, without having to book salon appointments and drilling a hole in your wallet. 

Benefits of a hair spa Treatment

Hair spa treatments spell nirvana for your hair and are a pretty relaxing and rejuvenating experience. So the coming weekend, block out all other commitments and book some time for yourself to treat your mane to some TLC (tender, love and care for the uninformed!).

Whether it is frizzy, dry or damaged hair that you are seeking respite from, there is a particular concoction that can work its magic on your hair and scalp, in an inexpensive yet highly effective manner.

5 Effective home based hair spa treatments for smoother, livelier hair

5 Effective home based hair spa treatments for smoother, livelier hair

Ditch the chemical based salon therapies for an au-naturel ayurvedic hair spa at home. Basically every home spa treatment involves the following 5 steps using different natural ingredients to cater to different hair goals.

Oil: This is the first step usually for any home based therapy. Massage your hair and scalp with any nourishing & lukewarm hair oil of your choice for 15-20 minutes.

Choose from a range of revitalizing oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, or sesame oil, which facilitate in increasing the blood circulation and helps increase hair growth.

Steam: Prepare a pot of boiling hot water and dip a clean towel in it. Squeeze away any excess water and use the warm towel to wrap your oiled hair and scalp in for 15-20 minutes.

This helps oil penetrate deep inside the scalp while nourishing the hair strands.

Wash: Now wash away the excess oil using cold or lukewarm water and a sulfate free shampoo. OTC, mass produced hair care products may suit some, not all. Try making a switch to personalized shampoos, conditioners, serums and oils by Bare Anatomy which are curated to suit your specific hair goals and hair constitution.

Wash your hair after DIY Hair Spa Treatments at Home

Condition: Condition your hair using personalized hair conditioners or make your very own hair conditioner by boiling tea leaves in water and add lemon juice to it.

Conditioner for DIY Hair Spa Treatments at Home

Mask: The last step to lock in all the nourishment is to apply a specially whisked hair mask using easily available natural ingredients. You could try mixing a couple of eggs with some coconut oil, applying the same on your hair, covering it with a warm towel for 15-20 minutes and then washing it off with cold water.

Hair mask for DIY Hair Spa Treatments at Home

Repeat the procedure every 15 days and say hello to a gorgeous and fuller tresses that dance to your tunes, and not the other way round!

Here are a few recipes you can try at home:

1.Honey & milk hair spa recipe for dry, frizzy hair

Honey & milk hair spa recipe for dry, frizzy hai

The complex proteins present in milk help nourish your hair, while honey acts as a natural emollient rendering a shiny, lustrous appearance to your mane.


1 glass of full cream milk, 1 tablespoon of organic honey


  • Mix the honey in the milk and apply the mixture all over your hair.
  • Massage your scalp using your fingertips for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wrap your hair using a hot towel
  • Remove after 15 minutes and wash it off using a mild sulfate free shampoo

2. Egg and Olive oil hair spa treatment for straightened hair

Egg and Olive oil hair spa treatment for straightened hair


1 whole egg, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey, a pot of hot steaming water, towel


  • Whisk the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Steam your hair for about 10 minutes.
  • Post steaming start applying egg and olive oil mask onto your hair and scalp.
  • Leave the mixture for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water using a mild sulfate free shampoo.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar hair spa for overcoming dandruff

3.  Apple Cider Vinegar hair spa for overcoming dandruff

Apple Cider Vinegar hair spa for overcoming dandruff


2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), 1 cup water, spray bottle, towel


  • Wash your hair using sulfate free shampoo, condition, and squeeze out excess water using a towel.
  • In a spray bottle mix 2 tablespoons of ACV with 1 cup of water.
  • Spray this mixture onto your hair and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse it off using cold water.

4. Beer Hair Treatment for hair that feels like a million bucks

Beer Hair Treatment for hair that feels like a million bucks


1 pint of flat beer


  • Open a pint of beer & let it lie overnight in a bowl so that it goes flat.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Instead of using a conditioner pour the flat beer  through your hair and massage your scalp with it.

Don't forget the most important step though

While you've got yourself covered for self care Sundays once every 2 weeks, you must not forget what you put your hair through on a daily basis. As unfortunate as it is, that happens to be a tonne load of stress, pollution and unhealthy food (unless you're a saint of some sort) for most of us.

In addition to this, you're also probably using the wrong hair care. It is imperative to know that every hair is unique, and that selecting a shampoo for hair fall is not specific enough for your lovely locks.

 Ditch the chemical based salon therapies for an au-naturel ayurvedic hair spa at home.

Opting for Bare Anatomy's customized & clean hair care is definitely about ten steps forward towards uping your hair care game.

A short hair quiz factors in details like hair type, scalp type, hair bonds, age, location and climate, your hair goals (anti-frizz, voluminize etc), so much so, it also takes into account your preferred color and fragrance.

Impressed? There's more! It prints your name on the bottle too so anyone tying to steal some of this hair care knows it's not for their hair type.

All the ingredients are plant derived and all the formulations are made in our stat-of-the-art in house lab, lead by industry expert scientists. If you're still reading this, I am truly honored, but honestly, go and fill that hair quiz to get your hands on your unique formulation.


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